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Dec 8, 2021

Having the opportunity to preview builds is one of the cornerstones of the Windows Insider Program. We have discussed many aspects of how a build makes its way externally to Insiders, beginning with new code being written, continuing to the build “snap” (aka: compiling the build), to media availability, to...

Nov 3, 2021

Fellow Windows Insider Program team member Brandon Leblanc is our guest this month as we cover a variety of topics including Surface devices, features in recent WIP builds, the seventh anniversary of the Windows Insider Program, and even TikTok videos!  Tune in for the variety, stay for the fun!

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Oct 6, 2021

Throughout time there have been many dynamic duos which left their mark on the future.  In the modern era, few, if any, combinations have been more impactful than the blending of hardware and software.  Dani Tene joins us this month to discuss mixing  hardware, software, your career, and more! 


Sep 7, 2021

Everything we thought we knew about work—where we do it, when we do it, how we do it—has been turned on its head. Where is it all going, and is there a map to get us there? WorkLab is a new podcast from Microsoft that taps into data and research to guide you on the road ahead. Leaders and scientists share the...

Sep 1, 2021

Are you a fan of voice typing? How about the touch keyboard? If you’re interested in Windows 11 and the evolving landscape of device input methods, you won’t want to miss this conversation as we deep-dive into these topics and more with Program Manager Hadley Griffin and Senior Designer Julia Carlson. Join in!